Ivor and Peter have discovered a talent for painting during lockdown which they hope will raise money for the NHS.
Peter communicates verbally and occasionally uses sign language to reinforce his point. He is 63 and has a learning disability. Short sentences with simple language aid his understanding.
Ivor is 66 and has a learning disability and Asperger’s syndrome. He is independent and is able to communicate his views. He enjoys still-life painting and is proud of the work he has produced.
With their friend, Carol, they love to paint and have created some fantastic pieces of art, which they are now selling to raise money for the NHS and Covid-19 appeal.
Artist Harriet Popham is a support carer for Shared Lives South West. She says:
Their beautiful paintings and drawings are spreading joy to people all over the world online. The pandemic and lockdown has been horrendous for everyone, but this has given them something to smile about, be proud of, do something extremely positive and raise money for two incredible causes.
They are supported by Shared Lives South West and their carer, Rachel, encouraged them to learn the craft and develop their skills. As a consequence, they have produced some remarkable work.

Harriet Popham says: “I’m incredibly proud to introduce the work of Carol, Ivor and Peter. My mum Rachel and step-dad Fran support these three adults who live with them. Carol is my mum’s amazing sister who usually lives independently but spends a great deal of time at Rachel and Fran’s house, which is known as the Blue House. She moved in for lockdown.”
“Anyone who has encountered my mum, Rachel, will have experienced her incredible enthusiasm and encouragement, it’s like a fuel. She gets such genuine excitement about people doing anything creative and her encouragement with these three individuals throughout lockdown has led to something really special.
It’s a pleasure to be sent photos like these on a daily basis, which show the gang clearly growing in creative confidence.